Sunday, January 3, 2010

the ways of the old year creeping up in the new year

I hate that people think that they need to change. Why do you want to think that you want to change if you really don't want to? It's just disappointing to the ones that love you. maybe too many limitations sour the whole resolution? Oh well. at least I know that I'm good with myself. Maybe not good with myself but good enough that I don't actually think to myself daily...I need to stop doing this. I had a good quiet night to myself. Actually a nice quiet day all the way. stupidity of little kids.???? Kids don't have the attention span of adults. They busted their asses today for a long time. like 2 hours? or maybe only hour n half. Then without adult supervision they strayed from their duties that kept dragging on and slacked. they were warned..they knew the consequences so I don't necessarily feel bad for them but I did have to keep my actions quick and words short and stern with them so I didn't show them that I felt bad for them. They see what we're talking about. they understand what they were punished for..hopefully they remember that they sat in their rooms from 2 till they went to bed. I want to see THE HANGOVER. This Aspen show is crazy. I'm going to bed though cuz schools in the morning. woops I didn't do the dishes that mr. clean suggested I didn't do earlier.

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